- Genetic Testing in the Workplace: The Employer’s Coin Toss
By: Samantha French
A toss of the coin by the modern-day employer reveals two options regarding genetic testing in the workplace. The employer may choose to take advantage of increasingly precise, available, and affordable ...
- Microsoft and the European Union Face Off Over Internet Privacy Concerns
By: Seagrumn Smith
Amidst what appears to be a multi-faceted attack by the European Union on Microsoft, the newest angle is the European Commission’s announcement last month that it was considering a formal investigation ...
- Software Patents: What One-Click Buy and Safe Air Travel Have in Common
By: Michael Guntersdorfer
Have you ever sat in an airplane, typing on your laptop, when the darn thing crashes for the one-millionth time? Have you ever then thought about how the airplane you are ...
- Customizing Conception: A Survey of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and the Resulting Social, Ethical, and Legal Dilemmas
By: Jason Christopher Roberts
One in six American couples experience difficulties conceiving a child. With fertility rates at an all time low, the business of treating infertility is booming. However, due to the United ...
- Appropriate Aims: Setting Boundaries for Reprogenetic Technology
By: Dana Ziker
Not too long ago, ten fingers and ten toes defined a successful birth. Not too far from now, ten fingers and ten toes will be just the beginning. Parents always hope ...