- DMCA Safe Harbors and the Future of New Digital Music Sharing PlatformsBy: Jing Xu SoundCloud is an online service provider that allows users to upload, share, and download music that they have created. It is an innovative platform for both amateur and established producers and ...
- “Less Is More”: New Property Paradigm in the Information Age?By: Aarthi S. Anand Before striking down laws increasing copyright’s domain, judges and legislators are asking for evidence that information products will be created even if copyright protection is not provided. The future of ...
- Open Source Innovation, Patent Injunctions, and the Public InterestBy: James Boyle This Article explores the difficulties that high technology markets pose for patent law and, in particular, for patent injunctions. It then outlines the ways in which “open source innovation” is unusually ...
- Ensuring an Impartial Jury in the Age of Social MediaBy: Amy J. St. Eve & Michael A. Zuckerman The explosive growth of social networking has placed enormous pressure on one of the most fundamental of American institutions—the impartial jury. Through social networking services ...
- The “25% Rule” for Patent Infringement Damages After UnilocBy: Roy J. Epstein The 2011 decision by the Federal Circuit in Uniloc v. Microsoft properly condemned the “25% Rule,” which bases a reasonable royalty on 25% of an infringer’s profits. Nonetheless, at least ...