- Sherley v. Sebelius: Stem Cells and the Uneasy Interplay Between the Federal Bench and the Lab BenchBy: Ryan P. O’Quinn After Barack Obama’s election to the presidency, he promised that one of his top priorities in office would be to relieve the restrictions initiated by President George W. Bush on ...
- The Attorney–Client Privilege and Discovery of Electronically-Stored InformationBy: Adjoa Linzy The attorney-client privilege is the most sacred and important privilege in our legal system. Despite being at the center of daily practice, the privilege still remains a mystery for many lawyers. ...
- Applying Copyright Abandonment in the Digital AgeBy: Matthew W. Turetzky Copyright law protects orphan and parented works equally–but it shouldn’t. Consequently, current law unnecessarily restrains public access to works that authors have not exercised dominion over for decades. This problem ...
- Limitation of Sales Warranties as an Alternative to Intellectual Property Rights: An Empirical Analysis of IPhone Warranties’ Deterrent Impact on ConsumersBy: Marc L. Roark Apple’s success with the Apple iPhone has brought with it certain problems. Its success has engendered a community that has attempted to circumvent Apple’s exclusive service agreement with AT&T. Unfortunately ...
- Standards × Patents ÷ Antitrust = ∞: The Inadequacy of Antitrust to Address Patent AmbushBy: Jonathan Hillel “Patent ambush” describes certain rent-seeking behavior by the owner of patent rights to a technology that is essential to an industry standard. Two cases, Qualcomm and Rambus, represent attempts of the ...