- A Putative Inventor’s Remedies to Correct Inventorship on a PatentBy: Campbell Chiang Inventorship is a required component of patents issued in the United States, and the penalty for filing a patent with incorrect inventorship is harsh: possible invalidation of the entire patent. This ...
- The FCC Under AttackBy: Kerri Smith The Federal Communications Commission voted in a contentious three-two split to relax rules limiting ownership of TV stations, radio stations, and newspapers. Among its critics are members of Congress who may ...
- Hatch–Waxman Reform and Accelerated Market Entry of Generic Drugs: Is Faster Necessarily Better?By: Sarah E. Eurek Recently there has been a considerable amount of pressure to accelerate consumer access to generic drugs, which are significantly less expensive than their brand-name counterparts. One way to bring generic ...
- The FCC and Congress Should Consider Consumer Rights When Making the Transition to DTVBy: Frank Ing-Jye Chao This ibrief discusses the copyright issue surrounding the transition into Digital Television. It proposes that the Federal Communications Commission should balance the copyright interests of all parties involved in the ...
- The Pending Determination of the Legality of Internet Gambling in the United StatesBy: Gregory Manter Internet gambling has been targeted on many fronts in the United States, including Congress, the courts, the Bush Administration and credit card agencies. This iBrief details recent trends in the regulation ...