- Do Not Advertise: The Current Fight Against Unsolicited AdvertisementsBy: Dannielle Cisneros Have you ever received a phone call from a telemarketer during dinner? Do e-mails entitled “Protect Your Computer Against Viruses for $9.95” or “GET A FREE PASS TO THOUSANDS OF XXX ...
- The E-Government Act: Promoting E-Quality or Exaggerating the Digital Divide?By: Jaime Klima In passing the E-Government Act of 2002, Congress has promised to improve the technological savvy of federal agencies and make more public forms and records available online. However, the question is ...
- ICANN—Now and Then: ICANN’s Reform and Its ProblemsBy: Kim G. von Arx This paper sheds some light upon the major problem arising from the current normative infrastructure of the DNS and provides a possible solution to the current physical problem of ...
- From Napster to Kazaa: The Battle Over Peer-To-Peer Filesharing Goes InternationalBy: Seagrumn Smith The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) may have won its domestic battle against Napster, but as an increasing number of peer-to-peer (P2P) providers crop up overseas, it has become apparent ...
- Software Patent Law: United States and Europe ComparedBy: Michael Guntersdorfer Software is a global business. Patents are increasingly the protection of choice; as a consequence, international software patent laws are of growing importance to software vendors. This article focuses on European ...