- Protecting the Homeland by Exemption: Why the Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002 Will Degrade the Freedom of Information ActBy: Brett Stohs To protect against “cyberterror,” the House version of the Homeland Security Act exempts information related to the nation’s critical infrastructure from the Freedom of Information Act disclosure requirements. The proposed exemption ...
- Festo: Blessing to Patent Holders or Thorn in Their Sides?By: Jennifer Miller The Supreme Court makes another attempt to strike a balance between protecting an inventor’s patent rights and ensuring adequate notice to the public of what constitutes patent infringement. This iBrief discusses ...
- New “Unbundling” Rules: Will the FCC Finally Open Up Cable Broadband?By: Sarah North This iBrief discusses a recent Court of Appeals decision remanding FCC rules on the “unbundling” of Internet services by telephone exchange carriers. These rules ordered many Internet service providers to share ...
- Genetic Testing in the Workplace: The Employer’s Coin TossBy: Samantha French A toss of the coin by the modern-day employer reveals two options regarding genetic testing in the workplace. The employer may choose to take advantage of increasingly precise, available, and affordable ...
- Microsoft and the European Union Face Off Over Internet Privacy ConcernsBy: Seagrumn Smith Amidst what appears to be a multi-faceted attack by the European Union on Microsoft, the newest angle is the European Commission’s announcement last month that it was considering a formal investigation ...